

Research, a Science Partner Journal, achieves new milestones

Date:2022-06-30 20:44:40 Views:1012

The Science Partner Journal (SPJ) program is pleased to announce that the first journal it launched, Research, has received its inaugural Journal Impact Factor, 11.036, ranking it #10 among 73 journals in the Multidisciplinary category of the 2022 Journal Citation Reports (JCR) from Clarivate, 2022.  


This milestone is the latest advancement for Research, which also holds a Journal Citation Indicator (JCI) of 1.58 and a CiteScore of 10.5, the latter ranking it 9th among 120 journals in the Multidisciplinary category from Scopus.


These landmarks recognize advancements in the development and reception of Research, and of the SPJ program more broadly.


“This is an opportunity to pause, reflect, and celebrate the hard work of all involved,” said Bill Moran, Publisher of the Science family of journals at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).


Launched in 2018 in partnership with the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), Research publishes original multidisciplinary work reflecting innovative discoveries and important issues in the life and physical sciences and in engineering and applied science. Papers published since its launch have covered self-healing surface coating, reconfigurable acoustic metamaterial, and 3D printing of cellular structures, among others.


“We look forward to Research continuing to publish high-quality research and review articles that will further contribute to the advancement of science globally and expand on the journal’s mission to provide an international platform for academic exchange, collaboration, and technological advancements,” said Moran.


About Research

Research was launched in 2018 as the first journal in the Science Partner Journal (SPJ) program in partnership with the Science and Technology Review Publishing House, the publishing house under the leadership of China Association for Science and Technology (CAST). As with all participants in the Science Partner Journal (SPJ) program, Research is editorially independent from the Science family of journals and CAST is responsible for all content published in the journal. Research provides an international platform for academic exchange, collaboration, and technological advancements. The journal publishes high-quality research from any research domain, from any author in the world.